Dear Sydney,
City of my childhood, how did it come to this? It has been two years, the longest we have ever been apart and I have some confessions to make. Lately, I have been noticing some strange occurrences that at first I tried to deny but now I can't ignore. I would have slapped you to your senses if you had happened to pass such a notion by me 6 months ago. Three months ago, I would have denied all accusations defensively, aggressively even. That would have been my denial stage. Today, I am ready to confess it all. Sydney, Ulm has been flirting with me and worst of all, I think I have been flirting back. I guess it all started when the weather started getting a little warmer and I was able to wear skirts again and you know how much I like wearing skirts. Then the sky seemed to be an endless blanket of blue and well, that sort of reminded me of you. Up to this point, I was completely unaware that it had already begun. There I was running around barelegged under the blue sky, completely innocent to the seduction. Then, I went to Meera's house and she showed me her... um... really big zucchini and that is when I think I started flirting back. I mean it was clear Ulm was showing off but I had never seen one quite as big as this before.

I admit, the blue skies have been replaced with clouds, it has been raining almost daily but I would be lying if I said I didn't find it a little bit romantic. The clouds are the prettiest shade of grey, the same colour as my favourite t-shirt and you know how much I like grey... You also know, because whatever happens between us, you will always know me best, how much I love the smell of salt in the air. It is the smell of Sydney beaches that I missed in my first years here. So, you can imagine then, how shocked I was, when I breathed in the summer breeze yesterday. I mean, Sydney, salt is one thing, but sniffing the sweetness of berry flavoured air, that is another. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries wafting in the air like perfume and you know how much I like berries. And perfume. And all things sweet. Even the inedible, sweetness of air...

Yes, I sometimes get the feeling that Ulm quite likes me and wants me to stay. This could just be the separation talking Sydney, I mean it has been two years and perhaps come winter and the return of the fog, which is an unfavourable shade of grey entirely, I will regret my confession but the winter clothes are already in shop windows and I have caught myself thinking that I can't wait for mulled wine and boots and snow again. Now I know you are wondering who I am. What has this city done to me? There, I'd have to ask you, can anyone resist the attractive power of multi-coloured cauliflower? Where have you been hiding these Sydney?

Or for that matter, a 1 litre serving of beer?

I know you can't feel good about yourself after the last picture. Being the lover of beer that you are, I am guessing that feelings of inadequacy may be creeping in. Don't be too hard on yourself, no city can have it all. At least perhaps now you are starting to understand how powerless I really am in all this. It is a hopeless game of tug and war. Maybe you think I am easy. Maybe I am. But this assault on my senses has made me weak, even I am surprised at the spring in my step as I go about my day. Maybe it is this German course that I have been doing. I have heard it said, that the language is the key to the culture. Whatever it is, I am not proud of myself but I couldn't hide the truth from you any longer. I can only reassure myself (and you) with the thought that I will be seeing you again soon for Christmas and hopefully Ulm will get the hint. Will Ulm back off? Will I be at a BBQ imagining myself at the Christmas Market? Only December will tell. Till then Sydney, I will try to keep my straying heart faithful.
Yours determinedly,