Monday 26 January 2009


One of our last peppermint teas in Ulm at a cafe where all the furniture is for sale - even that orange lamp

A fellow Australian I befriended here in Ulm (actually, she befriended me) has gone home. That's right. Gone back to Oz. Packed up and taken off forever. I think. There's just no telling with Anne-Marie. But, it does seem rather permanent at the moment. She just left yesterday. Don't know what I'll do with myself now. Although it is a great decision for her it is sad for me and all the other people she got to know. And yes, I know it's not all about me but I'll miss her is all. Just today, I found myself in a situation and I couldn't call my 'phone a friend'. Nope.
I thought I would write lots about Anne-Marie but words just seem too wordy for her. Here are some pictures of the last couple of times we hung out and a clip of her 'leaving song' that was playing (and still is) in my head in the weeks up to her farewell. Goodbye-ee-eye.

Of course, she brings me flowers when she is the one leaving

A first on her last day, we ate cake at a cafe she had been boycotting because of it's name Mohren Kopf
(I will overlook any number of things for good cake)
Last day in Ulm


  1. I love that clip, it takes me back to corporate life :) I can't believe AM is back in Oz. How weird, she somehow managed to 'be' Ulm. Maybe it was just the bike. Miss you Mals.

  2. Ulm is locked in my heart along with it's peoples.

    Thanks for the tribute Pokes.

    Miss you x
