If I cast my mind back, I can offer you an overview of all this consumption. We started the trip with a family gathering where very delicious smoked salmon was served, that was a highlight. We went out for fancy Indian food. Then there was Hong Kong style crab in Ashfield. There was a sushi train making the rounds somewhere in there, the food I miss most in Ulm. An amazing meal and I am talking great here, at Restaurant Balzac. Prawns kept popping up everywhere, which isn't unusual during summer in Sydney. Mangoes. Avocados. Asparagus on the BBQ. Pink MOET on my birthday. Ho mok, ho mok, ho mok! I only ate it once but trust me, it deserves three mentions.
But it wasn't all just thoughtless gorging, there were some more meaningful moments too. Meaningful eating moments that is. My sister treated our family to lunch at the restaurant where Husband and I were married. The food didn't let us down and we were equally impressed by the service, the waiter remembered our event and we were able to reminisce on a few of the more interesting moments. Even better than that, was the panna cotta I ordered for dessert. Oh my, if only words could describe! We tend to share dessert in my family as we are all usually stuffed from the previous courses but I tried my very best not to share the panna cotta and they were, bless 'em, very understanding about it.
Then there was the icing on the cake moment, which actually was a cake. Not just any cake, but the very same raspberry and hazelnut cake that was the middle tier of our wedding cake. Baked as a gift by the very same friend just so we could enjoy a trip down memory lane. It was sliced at the thinnest and eaten like gold by my very, very appreciative family.
Are you getting hungry yet? I am.
Christmas was a time when I realised how lucky we really are to be able to indulge ourselves the way we do, flying to Sydney to be with family is in itself a luxury and I have to say that just vegemite on toast or crumpets and honey are enough to make me feel like I am in Sydney. And my wok frozen to the balcony is enough to make me feel like I am in Ulm. Welcome back. Take a look.
Ahhh, Malsi, you are so humorous! I haven't laughed that hard for a while. I know it probably wasn't funny at the time, but I love that you just decided to get on with lunch and serve yourself some lovely rice from the frozen wok. This scenario is such a far cry from Sydney life. I can't even imagine keeping something on the balcony to keep it cold. Wishing I was there to share a big mug of green tea with you. Virtual hugs from Oz.
ReplyDeleteYes, went out there with some boiling water the other day and managed to dislodge it. Good to be able to see the funny side of these things! Lest one loses ones mind in this sunless environment. Virtual hugs to you too : )