I am pregnant. I am not sure if I have advertised that already somewhere here in another post. I am really not sure, as things have been so hectic of late. But now is the time to tell you all, I AM PREGNANT. This is by the way, not new news. I am about 33 weeks, well into my 8th month. This means people, that the baby is due next month. I realised that today, when I went to visit my doctor. It's the first time I am meeting the doctor whom I will be seeing regularly till the end of my pregnancy. Till the little fella is out here in the real world, which is, as mentioned previously - some time at the end of next month. According to this new doctor, lovely lady she was, it could be anywhere between the 25th and the 29th. Let's hope it's not on the 27th as she will be on a conference outside the Kingdom, she thinks. She isn't quite sure yet. The Kingdom, that is how people refer to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia here. Like the following, which you may receive as a friendly tip from a fellow expat when grocery shopping, 'Make sure you stock up on Oatabix, there are times when you can't find a box in the whole Kingdom.' A common problem here it seems. I was sure to buy two boxes the last time I was at the supermarket. Back to the point though, and the point is that I AM PREGNANT. There is a pregnant belly to prove it and a room full of baby furniture. I am all organised, things are prepared for his arrival. I have even got a pram, possibly the only one of its kind in the Kingdom. Gosh only knows we searched long and hard for it. Did I mention that the baby will be a boy? Reconfirmed again today by ultrasound, there can be no doubts now. I am hoping that writing it out in capital letters for you all today will help me to get used to the idea that indeed I AM PREGNANT. I am 8 months along and it still hasn't sunk in.
When I wake up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night (something I never needed to do without child) I find myself thinking in my blur of half asleep thoughts, Oh! That's right, I'm pregnant. That can't be right can it? Surely, I need to be a little bit more in touch with this whole experience? How will I deal with him when he gets here? I have no idea, and that is the scariest thing EVER. But the good thing is, my mum is coming. My mum, the woman who never owned a pram (with 3 kids!), who keeps asking me if I am in my sixth month and who tells me everything can be over in just a few minutes with a C-section, but crazily enough, I'd like to put myself through the torture of a natural birth. Yes, she will be here as chief support and I am really looking forward to it. I can imagine there will be moments when the two of us look at each other wondering, Right, what do we do now? and that will make me feel so much better. If, as they say, every baby is different, then surely there can be no expert on them. Luckily for me, my mum is not at all a know it all and that is great for me because I will end up feeling like I know a thing or two after all.

I know that I have lots of new news at the moment, I mean I have just moved to Riyadh and sure there is plenty to write about that too but I really wanted to get this pregnancy thing out of the way first. The other thing that has been bothering me is that I am not at all the way I thought I would be. I expected myself to be all 'earth motherish' you know? No to disposable nappies, yes to breastfeeding, no to epidurals and so on and so forth. But I am SO NOT! I find the less informed I am the better. One of my main botherations, and this may sound childish so please hold your judgement for a moment, is why they can't print pregnancy books without any pictures. I do not, repeat DO NOT at all feel inspired looking at other women in the throes of labour. I mean, we already know it ain't gonna be glamourous. Do we need the graphic confirmation? It just makes a nervous first time mother even more nervous if you ask me. I received a parcel in the mail the other day. That was exciting, my first parcel in Riyadh. A dear friend, who just had a gorgeous baby boy of her own sent me a book about breastfeeding. Don't even get me started on the pictures in that! Let's just say for some one who was pretty open minded about the whole procedure, I am now starting to wonder if I should get the whole thing over and done with in the first 6 months. It sounds terrible I know, and I shock myself with these unnurturing thoughts, but this is really what I am thinking. Perhaps, what I should be doing is avoiding books all together. I am such a visual person that images tend to stay in my head and haunt me, forever. On that note, I hope you haven't found the ones I have included here too offensive.

But of course, there is joy and excitement. We can't wait for him to arrive and change our lives FOREVER. I cannot tell you how many people have said that to me in the course of 9 months. Make sure you live it up now because when that baby arrives, it all changes. Things are NEVER the same again. You will NEVER get your time back. Your life will NEVER be the same etc etc. Not the most reassuring thing to say to a first timer is it? Please remember this when you are giving advice mums. This sort of thing leaves me wondering what on earth I have gotten myself into. The good thing is, since I am bursting to find out, I won't have to wait and wonder for long. My curiosity will be satisfied first hand in just over a month. Then I will be able to tell you myself, with first hand experience what, if anything, will EVER be the same again.
What a wonderful long post, and guess what, YOU'RE PREGNANT! Not meaning to shout at you, just thought it might help hearing it from yet another source. And of course little Gobi will change you but in such a wonderful way. Anyway, life staying the same all the time is utterly boring. People have died of boredom before, I'm sure of it. People should be reassuring you that the reason people go through all those tough times is to get to the incredibly good times of gurgling and cute faces and baby smell (the good kind) and realising you are really a family, as in a whole new generation of people. I know this is getting soppy but it sounds like you have had more than your fair share of cynical expectation management and seeing as I am a little clucky myself thought I'd share some of the goodness. Your belly looks fabulous, though I'm sure getting uncomfy for sleeping. I know that you will find the enthusiasm, wonder and sense of humour required to get you through all those 'scary picture' times. Another 'soon-to-be-honorable-aunty', T x
ReplyDeleteThanks! I just had to get it all out there and I was hoping someone would get it. I appreciate the belly compliment, you won't believe how much this helps when all you feel is HUGE! As for dying of boredom, I am sure you are right, though I don't think I am in any danger of that. But I am trying to be as bored as possible before the baby gets here and enjoying every minute : )
ReplyDeleteYou'll do great Mama, whatever choices you make, whatever takes place and nothing is textbook, you have a good head of those shoulders so go with the flow and enjoy every last minute. I may just leave the wee one here and come over for 3pm naps myself. Looking wonderful too. Thanks for sharing your Saudi spiced pregnancy, great reading.
ReplyDeleteMore compliments! Thanks for the reassurance. With only about a month to go, the excitement is setting in. It must be for you too, you don't have that long at all. I thought nanna naps were your advice? They have been doing me all kinds of good!