Monday 9 February 2009


This conversation took place at about 07:15am German time, after I had showered and was getting ready for work.

He: Hmmm... Is that you?
Me: Is what me?
He: That smell. Are you using something new?
Me: Yes. My shampoo and bath gel are new.
He: No, no. (sniffs the air) It's not that. I am sure it's not that. It's a different smell.
Me: Really? Like what? I can't smell anything.
He: I don't know. I think it's either you or there's something smelly in the pipes... you know the sink. There might be something stuck in there.
Me: Umm... Are you telling me I smell like a blocked sink?
He: I said it's you OR the sink...
Me: Right...


  1. I know where that smell comes from..


    Funny post, stinky!

  2. Mmm...ask him whose hairs are down the sink hole (i.e. shaving, plucking bushy eyebrows, trimming nosehairs-the list goes on) and then tell him that it is actually him who stinks! That should ease any marital tension for sure :)
    btw, I think in boy language 'you smell' may actually be a compliment. That might just be bad advice from primary school though.

  3. Hi Rchie, Hi Tina,

    Glad you guys enjoyed that one. He was so innocent to what he was saying I had to laugh. Thanks for the 'boy language' clarification Tina, I guess I will take it as a compliment.There are far worse things I could be called. I guess...

  4. Too funny, the google ads on the side say things like,'Clear blocked pipe work'and,'Sick of smelly septics?'. Well I found it funny anyway..
