Sunday 22 March 2009

A garden from Eiden

Eiden, a shop I can imagine taking my sleeping bag into and staying over night in. The porcelain ware in this shop is just so pretty, it makes for a lovely atmosphere. It feels sort of other worldly when you go in there and I am never in a hurry to leave. Luckily the owners are very friendly, and I am often treated to cups of tea and a quick catch up in between spending my hard earned euros. I don't think my pictures really do it justice but they do have a nifty website (only in German though) with some photos that will give you an idea of why this place is so special. Jan and Dagmar Eiden, the owners also feature on the website photos. They make and sell porcelain cups, mugs, bowls, vases, soap dishes, the list goes on, not to mention lamps and lights. Everything is handmade in their work shop. Unbelievable! We don't have much of a garden, but to get ready for spring I bought a few hyacinth pots from Eiden and planted some bulbs. I am so looking forward to the flowers.
As you can imagine, as with anything special, Eiden's porcelain is not cheap but worth every penny if you appreciate the hard work involved and the individuality of the product.
A vase on display in the shop
Hand dotted bowls
Porcelain ceiling light - it's on the wish list!
And since I have shown you my hyacinths here, I will also show you Husband's beloved chillies. He plants them from seeds he has dried and this is the stage they are at now. These plants usually give us a yield to keep our freezer stocked for a good few months.
The babies


  1. love the title!

    I miss my plates and bowls and soap dish and cups and mug and butter dish and vase and ...

    and friends ...

    and Ulm.

  2. Ulm sick huh? You have to make a trip back to pick up your porcelain. We miss you too:-(

  3. I am going there this week actually. :)

  4. Just rub it in! ;)

  5. Hey man, I know I haven't posted a blog entry for a while and yet I feel intensely frustrated and impatient when I reload your page yet again and see there is STILL nothing from you!! :D
